VAC-K Assembly Kit Of Automotive Air-Conditioning Refrigeration Trainer Didactic Education Equipment
This kit aims so that students can delve into various topics such as the alignment of important mechanical parts, the operation with open type compressors, operating in narrow spaces, etc.
• Procedures for (optional item vacuum and charging station required):
- bleeding and cleaning the system
- filling the gas and checking the tightness
• Setting the system at work
• Studying the operation of an automotive air conditioner
• Analyzing the system behaviour versus the variation of:
- engine r.p.m.
- condenser fan speed
- refrigerant filling in the system
• Carrying out gas recovery procedures (optional item recovery-recycling unit required)
• Measurement of cycle operating pressures (optional item manifold required)
This kit includes all the components of an automotive air conditioner, that is:
• open type compressor provided with pulley and electromagnetic coupling
• speed control motor

• driving belt
• vehicle air conditioning unit
• forced-air condenser controlled by pressure switch
• expansion valve
Moreover the kit is also equipped with switchboard including:
• tachometer
• Thermomagnetic - earth leakage control button
• emergency button
• warning lights
Package dim.: 100 x 100 x 50 cm
Net weight: 133 kg
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